No break for Bricks – Save the date
No break for Bricks – Save the date
Summer season is coming to an end and the Brick team already prepared the next events. Here are the dates, we appreciate your visit:
On the 26th and 27th of September, you find us at Maker Faire New York
After MakerCon in San Francisco, the Maker Faire New York will be the second occassion to bring the Bricks to the United States. This time, we do participate in the fair, so meet us in New York’s Hall of Science and join the Maker generation – be a part of the circuit!
On the 3rd and 4th of October we´ll rock Maker Faire Berlin.
Brick ‘R’ knowledge will visit the german capital! We’ll transform 20qm exhibition space into a area created for geeks, nerds, makers and all kind of interested people of every age. We’re quite certain that Maker Faire Berlin as well as the previous Maker Faires will be a great experience for us and all our visitors and fans.
From the 18th until the 22nd of October you can meet us at Gitex in Dubai.
Gitex Technology week is one of the world’s largest ICT faire every year. Among networking and UC also the Bricks are part of Innovation and creation. And how could we withheld this glorious system from the United Arab Emirates? Dubai, be prepared for Brick ‘R’ knowledge!
On the 29th of October we´ll be present at ALLNET´s in-house exhibition, called ICT Solution Day.
We’ll take part in ALLNET’s annual ICT Solution Day, which, for ALLNET, is the perfect opportunity to strenghten business relationships and promote own brands as well as partner brands. But there’s one new future in 2015: ALLNET implement an area especially for the Maker generation, where you can find 4duino, Banana Pi, and – of yourse – Brick ‘R’ knowledge.
We’re looking forward to introducing you to the Bricks personally and hope that you can’t wait to see them by yourself! New solutions and options with new Brick modules will wait for you – try them!