Bricks at Maker Faire Berlin
Nearly 8.000 attendees visited the Maker Faire Berlin during 3rd and 4th of October 2015 at Postbahnhof, an indicator for the demand of new ideas not only for technophiliac people.
The BrickRknowledge team was able to present and explain the nearly infinite possible solutions of the Brick Sets and modules. Independent if younger or elder, visitors used the opportunity to make their own experience with the different Brick modules.
The range of different Brick modules and sets started with color LEDs, across Arduino Bricks, variety of electronic Bricks, up to Solarbricks, to keep in mind the DIY Set, whereby users could build their own idea.
Each visitor was able to implement his individual application, i.e. radio ham, teacher von different schools, students, engineers, hobbyist etc.
Understanding and studying of electronics for beginners, to supporting exercises for education and qualification, up to prototyping research & development respectively for manufacturing hab been noticed with attention.
And by the way, here´s the youtube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYHf1c11C3Q